There are two different ways to view Ping data post event. Learn how to Generate the Post Event Report here.


To export data via XLS and generate an Excel spreadsheet:

1. In the Event Dashboard, click 'Download to Excel' under "Data"

2. An XLS file will download to your computer. Open to view.
The spreadsheet separates data into two tabs, Averages and Comments.


The Averages tab displays guest name, email address, and their response to the Pings. Some guests may have this are empty if they chose to not respond to a Ping. The average of all guest experiences for the Ping is shown at the bottom on a scale of 1-3. 1 being the lowest (frown), 3 the highest (smile).


If a guest sends comments to a Ping, they will appear in the Comments section in relation with the Ping name. Many results on the spread sheet may say "--" simply meaning that the guest did not choose to respond with a comment.