Adding guests is an important part of using ExperienceGuru. Guests are the people (attendees, exhibitors, etc.) that are going to respond to the Pings (questions) that you send out during your event. 

There are two ways to add Guests to your Event:

A. Manually Add Guests

Depending on the size of your event, you probably won't manually add EVERY guest, as it would take a lot of time (see option B below) but it can be useful if you need to quickly add someone on the fly.

1.Click the 'Create New' button from the Event Dashboard

2. Enter the guest information: first and last name, SMS number, and (if applicable) select their segmentLearn more about Guest Segments here.

B. Bulk Import

To save time, an Administrator can bulk import all of their guests' information using an XLS spreadsheet.

1. Click the 'Import' button to import new guests into ExperienceGuru

2. Download the Import Spreadsheet example XLS file

*Tip - use this file's format when collecting your attendee's opt-in information to save time.

3. Add guest data to the spreadsheet following the format provided in the template file.

4. Save the file as an XLS (**NOT .XLSX**)

5. Upload back into ExperienceGuru

Once guests have been added, they will appear in the Event Dashboard.

Ready for the next step? Learn how to Create Guest Segments.